Tips For People With Foot Wounds

24 January 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Your feet can experience substantial abuse and wear over the course of a day due to the need to stand and walk on them for long periods of time. When you are unfortunate enough to suffer a wound to your foot, you may find that it is more difficult to treat than wounds to other areas of your body. As a result, you may want to review some basic strategies to help you with addressing this type of injury.

Understand The Unique Challenges That Can Come With Caring For A Foot Wound

It is important to understand the full range of hazards and challenges that you can face when treating a foot wound. For example, your shoes are likely an environment where bacteria can thrive. If the bacteria infect your wound, it can lead to potentially serious complications. Also, the moist environment of the shoes can also reduce the ability of your wound to heal. To prevent potential infection, you should wash and sanitize the wound throughout the day, and you may want to change your socks frequently. If possible, you should wear shoes that are well-ventilated.

Recognize The Warning Signs Of Infection

Despite making your best effort, there will still be a chance that your foot could develop an infection. A foot wound that becomes infected can quickly pose a serious problem as it may be possible for the bacteria to spread to other areas of the body. Also, the pain from the wound will steadily increase as the infection worsens. If you notice unusual fluid discharges coming from the wound or an increase in swelling. When you notice these issues developing with your wound, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. If you are able to catch this problem while it is still fairly minor, you may be able to correct it through a simple antibiotic ointment.

Understand The Impact That Diabetes Can Have On Caring For Your Foot Wound

For patients that suffer from diabetes, a wound to their feet can be particularly problematic. Diabetic patients will often experience reduced blood flow to their feet, and this can greatly slow the recovery process. A longer recovery time can also increase the risk of developing an infection as the wound will be exposed for much longer. In instances where the wound to the foot is particularly large or deep, having it evaluated by a doctor as soon as possible may be the best option. This will allow you to take a proactive approach to treating the wound, which may reduce many of the problems that diabetic patients can experience with foot wounds.

To learn more, contact a podiatrist like Scola, Jere A
